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Burns Nicht

29 Jan 2016 – Robbie Burns Night held on Friday, 29 January at Rennaissance venue in Kingston. “Address to a Haggis” Great chieftain o’ the puddin-race! (L to R) Pipe Major Thomas Flake, Bass Drummer, Danny Sommers, Piper Edward Hutchins, Piper...

Hill 70 Project Reception

3 Feb 1016 – On Tue 2 February, 2016 a reception for the Hill 70 Memorial Project was hosted by France’s Ambassador to Canada, Nicolas Chapuis. Link to Speech delivered by the The Governor General of Canada, His Excellency the Right Honourable David...

German Armed Forces Qualification

Nov 2015 – 32 PWOR soldiers were recently presented with the German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency after a series of challenging events testing fitness and marksmanship. The competition, organized by MWO Scott Shultz and judged by German Air Force...

CF Medallion Presented

General Tom Lawson, Chief of Defence Staff and Chief Warrant Officer Kevin West, Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer presented Chief Warrant Officer (retired) Robert  Pollitt with a Canadian Forces’ Medallion for exceptional service on 1 April 2015 at the Vimy...